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Revision as of 17:13, 27 September 2020 by Will (talk | contribs) (→‎Binding Keys)
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Xbindkeys is a higher level abstraction overtop of xmodmap.
It allows you to bind keys to bash one-liners.


~/.xbindkeysrc desired mappings



xbindkeys --multikey  # capture keycode for multi-key sequence
xbindkeys -k          # capture keycode for key
xbindkeys             # activate mappings from ~/.xbindkeysrc

Binding Keys

touch ~/.xbindkeysrc
xbindkeys --multikey
# window will popup to catch keys. Press keysequence.
--- Press "q" to stop. ---
"(Scheme function)"
    m:0xc + c:43
    Control+Alt + h
"(Scheme function)"
    m:0xc + c:64
    Control+Alt + Alt_L
"(Scheme function)"
    m:0x4 + c:37
    Control + Control_L
"(Scheme function)"
    m:0x0 + c:24

Choose your keysequence of interest (in this case Control+Alt+h),
paste it into your ~/.xbindkeysrc, replacing "(Scheme function)" with your command.
xbindkeys to activate keybindings for current x-session.

# ~/.xbindkeysrc

"tmux select-pane -L"
    m:0xc + c:43
    Control+Alt + h