
From wikinotes



sudo pacman -S xf86-input-wacom  # Use kernel driver
sudo packer -S wacom-udev        # udev rules, /dev/* name



From the Wacom Tablet Properties, uncheck Use Windows Ink. Your wacom tablet should not work as desired!



# Find out the current tablet calibration:
xinput list-props "Serial Wacom Tablet WACf004 stylus" | grep Area
# Look for a line similar to:    Wacom Tablet Area (301):    0, 0, 30730, 18520

# Set your desired calibration:
xsetwacom set "Serial Wacom Tablet WACf004 stylus" Area 0 0 30730 18520
xsetwacom set "device" Area x1 y1 x2 y2

# My preferred settings allow the cursor to be just a few pixels to the left of 
# my pen so that I can see it when it hits the page. I found having the cursor 
# exactly where the pen tip is was very disorienting. These are my hand calibrated 
# results (xinput_calibrator was not very helpful to me).

## non-rotated:
xsetwacom set "Serial Wacom Tablet WACf004 stylus" Area 200 10 30665 18200

## rotated 180*:
xsetwacom set "Serial Wacom Tablet WACf004 stylus" Area 0 10 30540 18200

Screen Rotation

# Find your displayname: 

# uxing Xsetwacom to test options on your wacom tablet (gone on session end)
# NOTE: not all configuration options are available through xsetwacom
#       most notably "KeepShape", the equivalent to Force Proportions in windows.

xsetwacom --list devices                                 # Find your wacom device name 
xsetwacom list parameters "Wacom Intuos 5 Pen stylus"    # Get configurable options

xrandr --output LVDS --rotate inverted                   # rotate
xsetwacom set "Serial Wacom Tablet WACf004" Rotate half	 # set a wacom setting 

xrandr --output LVDS --rotate normal                     # Return to Normal:
xsetwacom set "Serial Wacom Tablet WACf004" Rotate none  # set wacom setting

Set Config

xsetwacom list devices
xsetwacom list parameters <device ## or name>
xsetwacom get <parameter> <device ## or name>
xsetwacom set <parameter> <device ## or name> value