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Revision as of 01:35, 7 December 2015 by Will (talk | contribs) (Created page with "utimer is a simple program to either countdown, or time arbitrary computer tasks. I use it as an alarm, because I can't be bothered to swipe, cycle, and otherwise fight with...")
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utimer is a simple program to either countdown, or time arbitrary computer tasks. I use it as an alarm, because I can't be bothered to swipe, cycle, and otherwise fight with my iphone for such a simple task.

packer -S utimer
utimer -c 2d5m			# countdown 2days, 5minutes

#### alias to run utimer with args, and then notify
function utimer() { eval "/usr/bin/utimer $*"; $bash/tmux/notify 'Timer Complete!'; amixer -q set Beep unmute; beep -r 2; amixer -q set Beep mute; echo -n "\a"; }

#### tmux notifications:
## progs/bash/tmux/notify
## send message to all tmux prompts
tmux_client=( $(tmux list-clients -F '#client_tty' | tr '\n' ' ') )
for client in ${tmux_client[*]}; do
	tmux display-message -c $client "$1"