
From wikinotes

OpenNTPD allows you to synchronize your computer's time with a time server so that it is correct.


home https://www.openntpd.org/


/etc/ntpd.conf configure time-servers


sudo pacman -S openntpd
sudo systemctl enable openntpd



If using windows, you must set it's clock to UTC in addition to disabling windows "internet time update"

Control panel:
  Clock Language and Region:
    Date and Time:
      Internet tab:
        [ ] Synchronize with an internet time server

When updating your time, it is important to realize that
there are two dates: the software date, and the hardware clock.

timedatectl # control software clock
hwclock     # control hardware clock

## Install + Enable NTP
timedatectl set-ntp true

## sync the software clock with ntp
sudo ntpdate 0.ca.pool.ntp.org

# Check the hardware clock

# If the hardware clock is different from the software clock, you can
# set the hardware clock to match the software clock with
hwclock --systohc

From this point onwards, the clock should boot with the correct time! If your clock is not the correct time after a reboot, you can troubleshoot what the problem is with the command timdatectl status. I have run into issues before where my timezone has not been set properly.