Maya Python GUI

From wikinotes

Autodesk has gone through considerable effort to keep flags (both long form and short form) identical in both mel and python for a more seamless experience. Here is a general introduction/quirks for the uninitiated. If you're familiar with mel, you can get used working with the python GUI in a day or less.

## The name of the GUI element is always first                ex: window( (name+'Window'), w=100, h=50 )
## Queries expect booleans, for the query flag,               ex: window( (name+'Window'), q=1  , w=1  )
##   and the desired information. Can use 'True'
##   or '1'
## Flags requiring multiple values accept a list              ex: button( rgb=[ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ] )
## Indentation needs to remain constant, even when            ex: paneLayout( configuration='single' )
## you may wish otherwise such as nested GUI elements             button(     l='test'               )
## This really sucks for readability                              setParent(  u=1                    )
## Example: Creating a window
from maya.cmds import *
if ( window( (name+"Window"), exists=True ) ):
	deleteUI(  name+"Window" )
window(     (name+'Window'), w=100, h=50 )
showWindow( (name+'Window') )
paneLayout( configuration='single' )
button( l='test', rgb=[ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] )