Kinesis advantage 2

From wikinotes

My latest toy keyboard. The core idea behind the kinesis is that your thumbs are far stronger than your pinkies. In order to put less strain on your hands, it is best to move your hands as little as possible. I have also found that so far, the kinesis has been correcting bad typing habits from ages of experience.

toggle sounds

progrm + F8          # toggle clicks on/off
progrm + shift + F8  # toggle beeps on/off

rebinding keys

progrm > F12:
   - dest key (default keymap)
   - trigger key


Ctrl -> Capslock    # used to this
Ctrl-> End          # if pinky is tired

Alt -> Backspace    # most oft used modifier
Win -> Delete       # used often for WM controls

Backspace -> RCtrl  # never used as mod, hit with left index
Esc -> Win               # accessible
LCtrl -> Win

# Leave pgup/pgdown alone

        +-----+ +-----+        +-----+ +-----+       
        |     | |     |        |     | |     |       
        | ctrl| |     |        | win | |ctrl |       
        +-----+ +-----+        +-----+ +-----+       
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+        +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
|     | |     | |     |        |     | |     | |     |
|     | |     | |del  |        | ins | |     | |     |
|     | |     | +-----+        +-----+ |enter| |space|
| alt | | win | +-----+        +-----+ |     | |     |
|     | |     | |bkspc|        |win  | |     | |     |
|     | |     | |     |        |     | |     | |     |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+        +-----+ +-----+ +-----+