Influxdb concepts

From wikinotes

Timeseries Data

Influxdb deals with timeseries data.
Any data with a timestamp is timeseries data.

  • datapoints at random intervals are events (ex. set temp at noon, 4pm, 4:30, 9pm)
  • metrics sample events at regular intervals (ex. check temp every n min)


bucket:        # a bucket contains multiple measurements. is where data is stored
  measurement: # a collection of points sharing the same tags/fields
    tags:      # low-cardinality key-values assigned to measurements. (ex. src of measurement)
    fields:    # fields are key-value pairs with values that can change over time
    timestamp: # timestamp

point:       # a single point. identified by measurement/tags/field/timestamp
series:      # group of points with same measurement/tags