
From wikinotes
Revision as of 19:36, 19 October 2019 by Will (talk | contribs) (→‎Important Flags)
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Ghostscript is a commandline tool for modifying vector graphics like PDFs, PostScript files, etc. It is very good at reformatting the documents for printers, shrinking files etc (uniformly scaling page-size, extracting pages, changing fonts... ) but it is not ideal for tasks associated with pdf/ps file authoring'.


Main Page
Intro to GS command (flags etc)
List of Output-Devices


Important Flags

gs \
# =======
# general
# =======

 -dBATCH                     `# Command-Mode instead of Interpreter` \
 -dNOPAUSE                   `# No 'ENTER' prompt`                   \
 -sDEVICE                    `# Printer? PDF Writer? You choose`     \
 -sOutputFile="my_file.pdf"  `# Writing to what file`                \

 -dNODISPLAY                 `# Does not display page to device. THIS` \
                             `# MEANS NOT WRITING FILE IF DEVICE IS`   \
                             `# 'pdfwrite' or other writer         `   \

-dFirstPage=1                `# first page in page-range to operate on` \
-dLastPage=5                 `# last page in page-range to operate on` \

# ========
# Resizing
# ========
 -sPAPERSIZE=letter          `# set your device-size `                   \

 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=100     `# set your own preferred X/Y for the     ` \
 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=100    `# device you are writing to. Ghostscript ` \
                             `# will try as hard as possible to match  ` \
                             `# the dimensions of this device `          \

 -dPDFFitPage                `# Required if you are enlarging an image,` \
                             `# or shrinking but need the entire page `  \
                             `# to remain visible `                      \
 -dFIXEDMEDIA                `# Required any time you are overwriting ` \
                             `# saved page-size                       ` \

 -g200x200                   `# Manual Resize in inch/72 units (? how work?) ` \


pts (unit)

## The base-unit for ghostscript is (1/72) of an inch.
#  An 8.5"/11" document is 612x792
#  (72 * 8.5) / (72 * 11)

Scaling in one direction

## Ghostscript cannot scale in one direction, but you can explicitly
#  resize a document if you know the fixed X/Y that you want.

## Unfortunately, despite my best efforts both using the -gXxY flag,
#  and the -DEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS/-DEVICEWIDTHPOINTS flags, even if I could
#  change the dimensions of the pdf size, (both with postscript and with pdfs)
#  it always resulted in a blank PDF.
#  Because of this, I have refocused my efforts on python libraries
#  built to work with PDFs.

Querying Document Info


pdfinfo                                             \
  -box    `# query crop/bleed/trim/art/media boxes` \
  -f 1    `# first page in range`                   \
  -l 166  `# last page in range`                    \
## page     # box     # startX / startY   # resX / resY
Page 156   TrimBox:   0.00 0.00           612.00 792.00
Page 156   CropBox:   0.00 0.00           612.00 792.00


function get_ps_size() {
	## Function to obtain postscript resolution

	local ps_file=$1
	local ps_size=(
		$( gs -q \
				-sDEVICE=nullpage \
				-dBATCH   \
				-dNOPAUSE \
				-c '/showpage{currentpagedevice /PageSize get{=}forall showpage} bind def' \
				-f $ps_file

	echo "${ps_size[0]} ${ps_size[1]}"

Extract all pages

gs                                      \
	-dBATCH                              \
	-dNOPAUSE                            \
	-dQUIET                              \
	-sOutputFile="pdf_out/tmp-%04d.pdf"  \

convert pdf to another format

gswin64c \
    -dNOPAUSE \
    -dBATCH \
    -sDEVICE=ps2write \ \