Certbot example: wildcard certificate

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1. Create servers/DNS-records for your desired subdomains

2. Request a certificate from any server

certbot certonly \
    --manual --server 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' \
    --domain '*.example.com,example.com' \
    --agree-tos \

3. letsencrypt will request that you create a 'TXT' DNS record

name:   _acme-challenge.example.com
value:  <provided value>

4. letsencrypt will requiest that you create a file on your webserver

5. Wait for DNS changes to propagate

6. The certificate will be created in a dir matching the domain-name (without the subdomain)


Redirection and SSL

The proper way to do redirection is by returning HTTP 301 (page permanently moved). Under the hood, this is what happens when AWS's route53 defines an A/AAAA record alias.

In order to circumvent an SSL error, your SSL certificate must be a SAN certificate (a certificate that is valid for multiple domains). Every domain that is passed through must be validated in the certificate.

For example:

findregion.example.com -(redirects-to)-> region.example.com

In this case, your certificate must be valid for:


You can resolve this in two ways:

  1. a wildcard SAN certificate (*.example.com, example.com)
  2. an explicit SAN certificate (findregion.example.com, region.example.com, example.com)