C pointers

From wikinotes

Pointers in C work the same as they do in cpp. There are, however, additional things to consider, mostly because C does not have strings. * means getting the pointer to a variable.

Note that pointers are **NOT** arrays, despite them being treated similarly to one. Using sizeof measures the size of the pointer, not the array.


// a pointer is just an array
char *mystr   = "hello";
char  mystr[] = "hello";

char *names[]    = { "will", "alex" };  // array(pointer) of char-arrays (strings)
char **names_ptr = names;               // pointer to a pointer to a char-array


Pointers and Arrays are treated the same in memory.

int var[3] = {0, 1, 2, 3};

print(var[0]);     //> 0
print(*var);       //> 0

print(var[1]);     //> 1
print(*(var + 1)); //> 1

print(var[2]);     //> 2
print(*(var + 2))  //> 2