Arch AUR

From wikinotes
Revision as of 21:49, 2 September 2023 by Will (talk | contribs) (→‎Fully Automated)
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The Arch User Repository is an un-verified community managed repo of packages.
It adds additional packages not available in the standard archlinux repos.

Locations${PACKAGE}.tar.gz package URL


Must be able to build packages

sudo pacman -S base-devel


# search packages:
# click:             'Download Snapshot'

curl -O "${package}/tar.gz"
tar -xvf "${package}.tar.gz" # Extract Package

cd Myfile/
makepkg -s                   # Compile Package
sudo pacman -U *.tar.xz      # Install Package
sudo pacman -R Myfile        # Uninstall Package

Hacky Nonsense

LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -X GET "${package}" \
    | grep 'Package Details:' \
    | head -n 1 \
    | sed -E 's!^.* ([^ ]+)<.*!\1!')

INSTALLED_VERSION=$(pacman -Q ${package} | awk '{ print $2 }')


Partly Automated

auracle search, download packages
cower Search, Download, Extract packages
python3-aur Search AUR

Fully Automated

pacman aurutils build packages to a network-shareable pacman repo
aura build/install packages
pacaur build/install packages
packer build/install packages
yaourt build/install packages