VimPlugin: Vundle

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Revision as of 21:04, 14 November 2020 by Will (talk | contribs)
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Vundle is a plugin manager for vim.


vundle is no longer being maintained. Consider moving to VimPlugin: vim-plug


:PluginUpdate               "Install/Update all plugins defined in vimrc
:PluginList                 "list all of your plugins

" I do not use the following commands, I find the best way 
" of using vundle is defining links to github etc in your
" vimrc, and then running PluginUpdate. The Vundle Hosted
" plugins do not always seem to be accurate or functional.

:PluginInstall   <plugin>   "Install a specific plugin
:PluginSearch    <plugin>   "Search for a specific plugin

vimrc plugin definition

"" defining a plugin to use is as simple as adding a line that
"" looks like the following to your .vimrc

Plugin ''


Adding the following line to your .vimrc automatically installs vundle on run. Unfortunately, I have had a difficult time setting up Vundle to work consistently using the same config on the following OS's:

  • unix
  • windows
  • cygwin
  • msys

I cannot remember what my adjustments were, only that I needed to make adjustments in order for them to be setup.

if has("unix")
	let has_vundle=1
   if !filereadable($HOME."/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/")
   	echo "Installing Vundle..."
   	echo ""
   	silent !mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/bundle
   	silent !git clone $HOME/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
   	let has_vundle=0


On windows, vim defaults to reading ~/_vimrc and ~/vimfiles in place of .vimrc and .vim. vimrc can be shared between say windows and msysgit, but vimfiles is expected under vim. In order to use vundle under windows, make sure to clone vundle to C:\users\user\vimfiles/bundle/Vundle.vim